Saturday, May 15, 2010

Summer Job - Tilleda Falls Campground, Tilleda, WI

I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but we've just been so busy.  We've taken a job for the summer managing a charming little campground in Tilleda, WI.  It has its own waterfall!!

The campground has about 45 sites and a small beer bar & store.  The building was once an old sawmill and has wooden floors - lots of history!  Tubing rentals during the summer and some good fishing (trout & pan fish).  The lake allows electric motors gas powered motors. 

During our first winter as snowbirds in Florida, Dennis kept complaining how bored he was and needed something to do....well, be careful what you wish for!   We'll certainly be busy this summer!!  But we're looking forward to the new campers we'll meet.  We've already met some great people here.  It's a VERY SMALL TOWN, but everyone is so friendly and have welcomed us to the community.

Hope you can come to visit us this summer!
Check out the website for Tilleda Falls Campground: